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Contact Lens Evaluations

Brown Eyes

Best for evaluating the healthiest and proper fit for your eyes

E X A M   E V A L U A T I O N

Health & Fit

  • Contact lenses come in many different sizes to fit around your unique eye shape and interact with the cornea tissue in a healthy way.

  • Having a poor fitting contact lens can put you at increased risk of red eyes, discomfort, and infections.



  • Glasses prescriptions and contact lens prescriptions are often very different! With the power being directly on the eye, we will evaluate the prescription that makes your vision the sharpest.


Types of Contact Lenses

Distance Vision Contact Lenses

Your vision needs some help, but you are only blurry when looking far away.


These contact lenses help you to see clearly.

Blurry Store
Eye Test Glasses

Distance and Near Vision

Contact Lenses

For those above the age of 40, two different corrections may be needed to achieve good vision at distance and close up.


These contact lenses correct for both.

Monovision Soft Contact Lenses

This type of contact lens option fits your dominant eye with distance vision correction, and the non-dominant eye with near correction. The brain then chooses which eye to use for which task.

Multifocal Soft Contact Lenses

This contact lens has distance and near prescription in the same lens with two images, one for distance and one for near, focused at the same time. The brain chooses which image to use for which task.

Rigid Contact


These contact lenses are made of an oxygen permeable, rigid, plastic material. They can come in many different designs for the sharpest vision possible at distance and near.

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