Once our patients have received their new pair of specialty lenses, we review lens insertion/removal techniques along with cleaning regimens, and make sure the patient is seeing clearly and is comfortable with the fit. Sometimes, first-time scleral and contact lens wearers will report that their vision is immediately blurry when they put the lenses in at home: "How come I can't see with the lenses anymore?" More often than not, this can be easily remedied after asking a few quick questions. Here a few things to check for if this is happening to you!
Are the lenses in the correct eye? Lenses can be easily switched when are preparing to insert them. Switched lenses can cause blurry or slight "off" vision because the lens may not be the correct prescription strength. An easy way to avoid this would be to insert the same eye first, right or left, each time. This way, you only have one lens out at a time and you minimize the chance of putting the wrong lens in.
Is there protein build up or other debris on the lens? Protein production in our eyes is natural, but build up over time could affect the vision of the lens. To avoid this, clean your lenses daily with the solution recommended by your doctor, and be sure to give them a good rub and rinse (between your fingers or in the palm of your hand with your finger) before insertion.
For soft lens-wearers, are your lenses right-side out? If they are inside out when you put them in, chances are they will be uncomfortable and your vision will be blurry (or both). Before insetting the lens, put it on the tip of your finger and check to make sure the walls of the lenses are bowl-shaped (pointing straight up, not pointing outwards) before you put them in.
For soft lens wearers, is the lens ripped or torn in any way? A ripped or torn lens can affect vision and comfort, although these might be felt more than seen. To avoid this, try not to use fingernails when removing the lenses.
For scleral wearers, were the dots on the lens facing you when you put the lens in? If you accidentally put the lens in with the dots facing away from you, you might have discomfort as the lens is not sitting on the eye the way it was made to, which could affect your vision and comfort.
We usually see that lenses have been accidentally switched or that they need a little extra cleaning. If you still have blurry vision or discomfort after reviewing the list above, you may need to see your Doctor to double-check your lens prescription and/or fit - call them to see what they recommend!
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